Artwork from 21 Artists projects
As part of 21 Artists, I have created work either in collaboration with or in response to the artists and spaces where each project took place.
The subjects and themes changed according to the project and all the work was shown at the final exhibitions of each project alongside the other artists' work.
The subjects and themes changed according to the project and all the work was shown at the final exhibitions of each project alongside the other artists' work.

21 Artists: Chicago
I created portraits of all the featured artists as part of my artistic contribution to the project that were shown at the Final Exhibition on the 22nd of February, 2013.
I created portraits of all the featured artists as part of my artistic contribution to the project that were shown at the Final Exhibition on the 22nd of February, 2013.

21 Artists: London Blackfriars
For 21 Artists: London Blackfriars, I used the architecture and often overwhelming development in the surrounding area and the artists I worked with as inspiration for her work.
For 21 Artists: London Blackfriars, I used the architecture and often overwhelming development in the surrounding area and the artists I worked with as inspiration for her work.

21 Artists: London's East End
Five larger-than-life, 1m x 1.5m portraits of local business owners were created and exhibited as part of 21 Artists: London's East End on the 30th of November, 2013.
Five larger-than-life, 1m x 1.5m portraits of local business owners were created and exhibited as part of 21 Artists: London's East End on the 30th of November, 2013.

21 Artists: OVERHE(a)R(e)
21 Artists: OVERHE(a)R(e) was an international, collaborative project between artists in Chicago and artists in London around the theme of 'the simple good'. Each artist connected and collaborated with an artist in the opposite city around what positive, social change means to them, fuelling the inspiration for the work they created for the touring exhibition.
21 Artists: OVERHE(a)R(e) was an international, collaborative project between artists in Chicago and artists in London around the theme of 'the simple good'. Each artist connected and collaborated with an artist in the opposite city around what positive, social change means to them, fuelling the inspiration for the work they created for the touring exhibition.